Corporate Worship Singing for Dummies

When I was younger my family was part of a small town Southern Baptist church in the Midwest. It was a typical Baptist church of the 80s already flirting with liberalism and not very strong on apologetics. But it did have a great music minister. Mr. Rankin. Every time I stand up to sing during …

Hezekiah for healing

This crying out to the LORD takes up the whole chapter. It is a beautiful cry of bitterness and brokenness followed by God's gracious healing followed by poetic gratefulness. The story of Hezekiah is referenced in several different places in the Bible. He was one of the few faithful and obedient Kings of Israel. I …

Are You an Image-Bearer or are You Trapped in Worldly Futility?

What is my FIRST identity? At about the 3 hour mark into the television mini-series Shogun, Mariko explains to Blackthorne her identity as a Christian in Japan: Mariko: We find ourselves quite civilized, Anjin-san. You must remember, our culture is a thousand years old. We are ancient people. Our Emperor is 107th of his unbroken …

The Age of Anti-Truth

We are being bombarded on all sides with seemingly conflicting truths. This year Covid-19 and the election have provided plenty of fodder for all forms of media to try to convince us to believe one thing or another. What is an ordinary gal supposed to think? I am sure most of my brothers and sisters …

Repeating the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah

The world is in an uproar crying about the current trending injustice. We seem to be running around in circles chasing after one hashtag and then a week later aggressively championing a different one. We are rallying and dividing. Everyone taking sides and protesting loudly and violently. #metoo #blacklivesmatter #bluelivesmatter #stayhome #babylivesmatter #mybodymychoice #maga #justicefor(addtrendingnamehere) …

A New Normal or a Call to Repentance?

“Repentance is as much a mark of a Christian, as faith is. A very little sin, as the world calls it, is a very great sin to a true Christian.” ~Charles Spurgeon Now, I'm a "live free or die" kind of gal so it doesn't take much for me to run my mouth under the …

The Idolatry of the School System

Here I go again I debated with myself about even going back to this topic. I spent many years blogging and advocating against schooling before I finally quit talking about it. Now when asked directly about my views on education I am very reluctant to say anything. I have found that those conversations distract from …

Over Scheduled

Redeeming the Time Pay careful attention, then, to how you live ​-- ​not as unwise people but as wise ​-- ​ making the most of the time, because the days are evil. (Ephesians 5:15-16) Just last week, my Sunday School lesson included a popular demonstration: The Jar of Life or the Big Rocks of Life. …

Needs Versus Wants: A Christmas Question Maybe it is the old school punk still deep inside me But I love this Christmas song. Not just because it's the Kinks, but because the lyrics really hit close to home. My daughter tells the story of how she realized that Santa wasn't a real all-powerful gift-giving being, but just well-meaning people acting …

Open letter to the struggling pastor’s wife and mother…

For the record, our family has been a part of many different sized churches. Some with fantastic children’s ministries all the way down to the dying church with virtually no programs, some where we were the pastor’s family and others where we were just lay people. Dear Pastor's Wife, You are struggling in worship! You …